Saturday, August 4, 2012

5 Tips For Avoiding Diabetes Complications

You can live happy and healthy with diabetes if you know how to do it. People with this disease are living longer than ever before and getting more out of life.

They’re also seeing a decrease in heart disease, blindness, kidney disease, nerve damage and other ailments that can develop because of it. This is because they’re staying healthy and learning how to avoid complications.

 Here are 5 tips you can do to keep yourself fit.

Manage Your Lifestyle And Stop Complications

If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, you can’t afford to be careless with your health anymore. Learn about nutrition and start eating a balanced diet. Get some exercise and keep your weight down. Keep an eye on your blood sugar level and learn to reduce stress. Your doctor, nurse and dietitian are there to help you. They’re your healthy lifestyle team, and they’re rooting for you.

Schedule Regular Physical And Eye Exams

To beat complications before they begin, you’ve got to keep an eye on things. Seeing the doctor regularly is important so that they can check for problems. You can’t wait until symptoms already begin to develop or it will be too late. Don’t go to the doctor only when you’re feeling badly; schedule regular appointments and let the doctor keep an eye on you.

Know Warning Signs And Get Help Quickly

Do your homework and know all the warning signs you need to know. Watch for numbness, pain, improper healing of cuts, muscle weakness, visual problems or anything else strange. At the first sign of anything out of the ordinary, talk to your doctor immediately.

All Things In Moderation

Avoid fatty foods, starchy foods, salt, sugar and anything else your doctor recommends you to stay away from. Alcohol is okay but only occasionally and in moderation. Don’t drink excessively and don’t drink on an empty stomach. If you’re a smoker, quit. Ask your doctor what foods and drinks you should avoid, and how much is too much. The key to keeping your diet healthy is to enjoy everything in moderation.

Take An Aspirin Everyday

If you’re diabetic, you should take one aspirin everyday. The reason is that it greatly reduces the risk of a stroke or heart attack. This is one tip that doctors often recommend for people with diabetes to avoid complications. You can enjoy a healthy, happy life with diabetes. Living with the disease means keeping it in check and avoiding the complications that it can cause. Talk to your doctor for more details on how to keep from developing problems. We hope you learnt something from these 5 Tips For Avoiding Diabetes Complications and take action to today to keep your health in tact while living a healhtier life style.

Don't Stop Let's Go!

Don't Stop Let's Go! My new release on Sound Cloud if you like please share it.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Social Media Lies

Social Media Lies
This is the ugly truth about Fan Page Marketing Love it or Hate it however it is true!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

New Mobile Trial Offer Our Mobile Trial Offer let's local businesses run a mobile campaigns for 2 weeks as it introduces local businesses to mobile marketing. These campaigns consist of SMS Text Messaging, Mobile Coupons, Text to Win, QR Code Marketing or simply mobile landing pages. Find out how mobile marketing can change your business today!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Psychological Reasons for Infidelity

When someone is unfaithful to their spouse, the first assumption is that they “can’t keep it in their pants”. The idea that a man or even a woman is incapable of being faithful due to the physical urge to have sex is a bit far-fetched though. Most infidelity is psychological in nature and stems from the expectations and needs that every human being has in a relationship. So, before making any assumptions, take the time to understand the psychological reasons for infidelity and how to deal with them before it becomes an issue.

Emotional Prominence One of the most common psychological reasons for infidelity is the lack of prominence in a partner’s life. If a spouse starts spending more time at work, with friends, or even with children, they feel neglected and unappreciated.

Not only do most people assume they are the most important part of their spouse’s life, they want to feel important, and likely have felt important for many years since marriage. So, when that importance fades away, they look for someone else to bestow it upon them – and that often leads to an affair.

Self-Esteem As we get older, our self-esteem can often take a hit, either because of the growing emotional rift between us and our spouse or because of physical aging and our perception of our bodies. As far as psychological reasons for infidelity go, self-esteem is near the top of the list. People want to feel attractive and when their spouse stops trying, they will look for someone else to bestow that mantle of beauty or masculinity on them.

This extends to physical interaction as well. When you stop having sex with your partner as often, they feel less important and less attractive. A sexually active relationship in an affair can bridge that gap, whether superficially or not.

Depression or “Boredom” Often times, as a couple gets older, one or both of them may start to feel “bored” with their relationship. If you get off work the same time, eat the same foods, watch the same shows, and go to bed at the same time, boredom is an obvious result, but often it’s not boredom you’re feeling; it’s a basic form of depression.

Somewhere inside, you want to do things that are exciting or unpredictable. At the very least, you want to discover new things and enjoy life with your partner. When this stops happening, you feel as though life has lost some of its lustre. The result is an emotional vacuum that some men and women seek to fill with another partner.

Feeling Misunderstood At the end of the day, every relationship is about communication and basic understanding. Being able to sit down and discuss your problems, compare notes, and understand how your spouse is feeling is one of the greatest parts of marriage. When that level of understanding falls apart or disappears completely, it leaves a big gap in a once healthy relationship. This can drive some men or women to find another who will understand them on the level they desire.

Finding a partner who you feel comfortable, happy, and safe with for the rest of your life is a tremendous moment. So, it can be heart breaking when you feel yourselves being pulled apart. Rather than letting these psychological causes of infidelity lead to a broken marriage, take action early to bridge the rift and get closer than ever.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Top 15 Ways to Build Your Subscriber List

World's Easiest Email Marketing!

Top 15 Ways to Build Your Subscriber List because Email marketing can be profitable for any business, no matter what kind of product or service you offer. It is significantly cheaper than other advertising methods and, if done right, helps build loyalty and trust with customers. As a result, you generate more sales and more profits!

The foundation for successful email marketing is a targeted, permission-based email list. Marketers call contact lists their 'goldmine' because it can generate much of their sales revenue. If you've built up a list of opt-in subscribers that are qualified and interested in what you have to offer, then you've completed the first step and are on your way. Now it's time to 'mine' for gold!

Below you'll find several list-building and retention ideas that will help you get the best results from all your email marketing activities:

1.) Provide useful, relevant content. Your visitors will not give you their email addresses just because they can subscribe to your newsletter free of charge. You have to provide unique and valuable information that will be of interest or use to them.

2.) Add a subscription form to every page on your website. Make sure it stands out so it is easy to find. If it doesn't look cluttered, you may want to include more than one on some pages. For instance, if your opt-in form always appears in the top-left corner of your site, you may want to add one at the end of your most popular articles

3.) Add subscription forms to your social media pages. Make sure that you don't waste this valuable source of revenue opportunities. Integrate your sign-up forms with Facebook and more!

4.) Make it easy for readers to sign up. The more information you request, the fewer people will opt-in. In most cases, a name and an email address should suffice. If it's not necessary, don't include it here. You can always survey them once they're customers! We do recommend that you provide a link to your Privacy Policy however.

5.) Publish a Privacy Policy. Let your readers know that they can be confident you will not share their information with others. The easiest way to do this is to set up a Privacy Policy web page and provide the link to it below your opt-in form. (Note: If you don't have one, put the words 'privacy policy generator' into a search engine and you should be able to find a suitable form to use.)

6.) Provide samples of your newsletters and Ezines. This lets potential subscribers review your materials before they sign up to determine if it's something they'd be interested in.

7.) Archive past newsletters and articles. An online library of past newsletters and articles is both appealing and useful to visitors and builds your credibility as an authority. In addition, if your articles are written with good SEO techniques in mind, they can increase traffic to your website through enhanced search engine positioning.

8.) Give gifts subscribers can actually use. Offer an opt-in bonus for joining your subscriber list! Write an ebook or provide a PDF business report, or even hire a programmer to create downloadable or web-based software. But don't limit yourself to offering gifts to opt-ins. Give them out when your readers fill out a survey, provide a testimonial, success story, or a great product idea. Let them know when they can expect the next gift offer. Everyone likes to get something for free! And if you pass out 'goodies' throughout the year, your subscribers will feel truly appreciated − and that's good for business!

9.) Ask your subscribers to pass it on. Word of mouth is a powerful viral technique that works great with email marketing. If your subscribers find your content interesting, amusing or informative, they'll probably share it with their friends. This can be a great source of new customers, so make sure to remind them to 'pass it on'.

10.) Let others reprint your newsletter as long as the content is not modified. If you're happy to share your content with the universe, then why not! Many webmasters and newsletter publishers are actively looking for high-quality content and, if they reprint your newsletter, you'll get new subscribers, and more traffic and links pointing to your site.

11.) Include a 'Sign Up' button in your newsletter. If you're using plain text instead of HTML, be sure to provide a text link to your subscription page. You may feel that this is not required because the subscriber is already on your list, but remember that readers will forward your newsletters to others, or reprint them online. Make it easy for them to subscribe!

12.) Add a squeeze page. A squeeze page has one goal − to acquire opt-ins and build your list. Think of it as a mini-sales letter to go along with your subscription or opt-in gift. It should feature a strong headline and a couple of powerful benefits that should make subscribers salivate to sign up! Once created, use a service such as WordTracker to find hundreds of targeted keywords, and promote your offer using pay-per-click advertising from Google, MSN and Yahoo. Now that should make a splash!

13.) Include testimonials on your squeeze page. This is crucial. Put one or two strong testimonials from satisfied customers on your squeeze page. This can be in any format, but you may find that multimedia (audio or video) is more 'believable' and inspires more people to action. To further enhance believability, get permission to use actual customer names, locations and/or urls (Don't use 'Bob K, FL'). Add a note inviting others to participate. After all, it's free publicity!

14.) Blog religiously. Blogging is a great way to communicate with prospects and potential customers, and creates a nice synergy with your email marketing. Be sure to include your newsletter sign-up form on each page of your blog. You can start a free blog at Blogger or WordPress.

15.) Post on other blogs. Post thoughtful comments and information on similar blogs with a link to your squeeze or opt-in pages. Also comment on others' blogs through trackbacks. In most cases, your comments will be posted on their blogs with a link back to your site. This is an easy way to generate new traffic and subscribers, and get your brand out there!

To Find-out more about our Top 15 Ways to Build Your Subscriber List... Why Not Check-out GetResponse for Free While You Grows Your List Then Upgrade Later.

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